Redschi in Fidschi

Bula Fiji! Für 4 Monate auf die andere Seite der Erde - von Deutschland nach Fidschi. Auf der Südseeinsel werde ich ein Prakikum beim Entwicklungsprogramm der Vereinten Nationen absolvieren. Dieser Blog soll für Euch und für mich als Tagebuch dieser hoffentlich spannenden Zeit dienen. Viel Spaß beim Lesen!

September 28, 2006

This is Fiji - part 1

US says 'thank you to Fiji
Saturday, September 23, 2006
THE US Government has extended its gratitude to Fiji for its active participation in the war against terrorism.
A personal message from US Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld addressed to Home Affairs Minister Josefa Vosanibola, showed the superpowers appreciation of the role Fijis men and women played in the fight against terrorism.
Mr Rumsfeld also sent his governments condolences for the recent deaths of Warrant Officer Nete Naiduki, Private Akesa Draiva and Gunner Samuela Vanua three Fiji nationals who died in Iraq and Afghanistan while serving as members of the US-led international coalition forces there.
"Please extend my deepest sympathy to their families and their loved ones," Mr Rumsfeld wrote.
"Fiji is a steadfast partner in the fight against terrorism.
"The service of these fine men helped ensure the security of our nations and they have my appreciation and gratitude. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with the Fijian people," he wrote.
Mr Vosanibola said the message was confirmation of "Fijis status as a global power in peacekeeping".
"To receive such a commendation from the US was one of the best things we ever had," he said.
Mr Vosanibola said the message was recognition of Fijis role in international peacekeeping as well as its capabilities to groom fighting men. Private Draiva and Gunner Vanua were serving in the British Army and died while serving with their units in the war-torn Iraq and Afghanistan. WO1 Naiduki was Fijis deputy senior national representative in USCENTCOM.
Mr Vosanibola said the high regard the international community has for Fijis capabilities as peacekeepers was reflected in the deployment of Fiji soldiers to be personal bodyguards for United Nations officials in Iraq.

New Series

I know I have been neglecting this blog for quite some time. This reason for this is that nothing much happened in terms of Fiji news. It is now only 12 more days and then I will be off to Suva - I am really excited about it! I decided to somtimes post in English because this is just more fun and I can get used to my "new" mother tongue for the next 6 months.
The next post marks the start of a new series in my blog called "This is Fiji". From time to time I will post interesting articles from the "Fijitimes", the main newspaper of the island. So my readers and I learn more about the Fijian identity, culture and traditions.
By the way, I got my scholarship for my internship in Fiji, yeah!