Redschi in Fidschi

Bula Fiji! Für 4 Monate auf die andere Seite der Erde - von Deutschland nach Fidschi. Auf der Südseeinsel werde ich ein Prakikum beim Entwicklungsprogramm der Vereinten Nationen absolvieren. Dieser Blog soll für Euch und für mich als Tagebuch dieser hoffentlich spannenden Zeit dienen. Viel Spaß beim Lesen!

November 28, 2006

Tag der Entscheidung?

Heute könnte der Tag sein, an dem sich die kurz- und langfristige Zukunft Fidschis entscheidet. Aber, wie immer hier, man weiß es nicht. Vielleicht ist es nur ein weiteres Gespräch, dem keine Taten folgen. Hier ein Artikel von, um Euch über die neuesten Entwicklungen zu informieren.

One Last Attempt at Ending Impasse

All hopes now lie with Prime Minister Laisenia Qarase and Army Commander Commodore Frank Bainimarama to find a solution in the ongoing impasse later this morning. While Qarase is optimistic going into the talks in Wellington today, the Commander has stressed that the Prime Minister should only come into the meeting with a Yes or No answer on the demands set out by the military. Commodore Bainimarama has stressed that the Prime Minister has to give into his demands.
The Commander wants all investigations against him and senior officers of the RFMF to be dropped, the Reconciliation Bill, Qoliqoli Bill and Indigenous Land Claims Tribunal Bill to be dropped, Police Commissioner Andrew Hughes to be removed, the Police Tactical Response Team to be disarmed, declare that the 2000 coup was wrong and unlawful and remove all those people from government who were allegedly involved in the May 2000 coup.
Minister Laisenia Qarase who is going into the meeting at Government House with Police Commissioner Hughes said he is ready to talk and sort all these issues out. However, he has refused to reveal whether he will give into all the military's demands. Commodore Bainimarama told Radio Tarana in Wellington late yesterday that the military wants all its demands met. NZ Prime Minister Helen Clark is optimistic that getting the two men together was an important step. But she conceded it was impossible to know whether the move would succeed. Clark said the NZ government's desire is to see if a way can be found to bring people together to at least talk, and to see if there is some way through these issues which does not involve a breach in Fiji's constitution and a change of government by force.