Redschi in Fidschi

Bula Fiji! Für 4 Monate auf die andere Seite der Erde - von Deutschland nach Fidschi. Auf der Südseeinsel werde ich ein Prakikum beim Entwicklungsprogramm der Vereinten Nationen absolvieren. Dieser Blog soll für Euch und für mich als Tagebuch dieser hoffentlich spannenden Zeit dienen. Viel Spaß beim Lesen!

November 03, 2006

This Advice is current for Friday, 03 November 2006.

Fiji overall
High degree of caution

Reconsider your need to travel

This advice has been reviewed and reissued. It contains new information in the Summary and under Safety and Security: Civil Unrest/Political Tension (avoid prominent Government buildings, reconsider your need to travel to Suva). The overall level of the advice has not changed. The level of advice for Suva has increased.

We advise you to exercise a high degree of caution in Fiji due to increased tensions between the Fiji Government and the Fiji Military Forces and the possibility of military action against the Government. The security situation could deteriorate without warning.
You should reconsider your need to travel to Suva at this time because of the uncertain security situation and the risk of military action.
You should avoid demonstrations, street rallies and public gatherings as such events could become catalysts for civil disorder. You should also avoid prominent Government buildings, such as the National Parliament, as well as all military installations and concentrations of military personnel.
Pay close attention to your personal security at all times and monitor the media and other local information sources for information about possible new safety or security risks. You should follow the instructions of security personnel.
Be a smart traveller. Before heading overseas:
organise comprehensive travel insurance and check what circumstances and activities are not covered by your policy
register your travel and contact details, so we can contact you in an emergency
subscribe to this travel advice to receive free email updates each time it's reissued.

Source: Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade